Duke of Brunswick Hotel (Coleridge Room)
207 Gilbert Street
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
The ahi's South Australia branch invites you to attend their next SA Branch Networking event, with industry and academic experts on key issues in sustainability for housing providers and their tenants.
A great opportunity to have some fun and re-engage with your social housing sector colleagues after the long COVID hiatus to enjoy two topical and informative presentations.
The event is designed to be fun, informative and is a low cost opportunity to come together and discuss topical housing issues.
All housing sector colleagues are welcome — members and non-members.
Your ticket gives you access to the event and includes a complimentary drink on arrival and food platters.
Register to attend and receive 10 CPD points.
Physical Distancing at this event:
This event complies with the current South Australian government COVID safe recommendations: https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/restrictions-and-responsibilities/activities-and-gatherings
Ahi Members are eligible to log 10 CPD points for attending this event.
CPD points can assist members to achieve Ahi Professional Certification status. Ahi Professional Certification is awarded to housing professionals who have demonstrated a commitment to the housing profession and continuing professional development.
The venue for this event has strict health and hygiene protocols in place, including Covid safe dining practices and density limits that comply with Government requirements.
Event attendees are reminded to check-in at the venue and follow good hygiene habits and physical distancing, to help keep yourself and others safe: