Now more than ever before, there is an appetite and a focus on the outcomes that social and community housing providers achieve in their provision of stable housing for their customers.
But how do you measure and demonstrate the impacts that housing has on people's lives, beyond the traditional methods of outputs and numbers? What impacts matter? What are the changes in customer's lives due to stability in housing that is affordable and appropriate to their needs?
Social Impact measurement can provide the answers to these questions and assist an organisation in strategic development for better customer service and wider community benefit.
Join the webinar and hear from social impact specialists, ProfessorPaul Flatau - Chair, Social Investment and Impact and Director of the Centre for Social Impact at the University of Western Australia, Dr Lucy Burgman – Country Manager Australia, Community Housing Ltd and Kevin Robbie - Director, Think Impact on trends and methods to measure real value.
This event is presented in partnership with Community Housing Ltd and is free for members and non-members to attend. Please invite anyone from your networks who you would benefit learning more about Social Impact in the Social Housing space.
12:30 - 12:40
12:40 - 13:10
13:10 - 13:40
13:40 - 13:55
13:55 - 14:00
For all people involved in social and community housing and associated sectors, interested in learning more about the benefits of moving toward outcomes measurement and the impact this has for customers and stakeholders.