We're faced with problems every day and make hundreds of decisions without even noticing. Some problems are straight forward, while others have no easy answers. Although some of us struggle and procrastinate, problem solving and decision making are skills that everyone can learn and improve. Using a structure can help you to understand the important problems to solve, to generate creative solutions, to clarify your decision-making criteria and make decisions objectively, to create action plans that make a difference and follow up to ensure the problem stays solved.
This workshop will guide you through the 6-step problem solving process - defining the problem, analysing potential causes, identifying possible solutions, selecting the best solution, developing an action plan and Implementing the solution and evaluating progress.
Time zone
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Course outline
Course outline
What you'll learn:
6 Step Problem Solving
The limitations of the current approach to problem solving
Developing problem solving skills
The benefits of a disciplined approach
Step 1
Developing a problem statement
Describing the desired state / goal
Step 2
Symptoms verses causes
Brainstorming tools: force field diagram and cause & effect diagram
Determine the most likely cause(s) and the "true" root cause(s)
Probing down - why, why, why, why, why?
Step 3
Generating a list of possible solutions
Increasing creativity - avoiding evaluation and self-censoring
Step 4
Developing and applying weighted criteria
Choosing the best solution(s)
Step 5
Identifying responsibility and accountability
Resourcing the solution - people, money, equipment and information
Gaining acceptance and buy-in
Step 6
Creating a 'closed loop'
Establishing a monitoring system and milestones
Tracking the implementation
Who should attend:
This training is for anyone looking for some processes around problem solving skills.
Delivery format
3-hour interactive Zoom workshop – join details provided upon registration
Participants need access to PC/Laptop with speakers, microphone and webcam
Scott is a registered psychologist with a solid background as an educator. He has worked as a lecturer in psychology, behavioural science and research at the Universities of Sydney and Western Sydney. Lecturing for 6 years at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, Scott specialised in the disciplines of health and social psychology. His expertise includes such areas as leadership, teams and group dynamics, communication and body language, persuasion techniques, stress, and workplace satisfaction.
Since 1999, his work in the corporate sector has spanned the spectrum from industrial psychologist to corporate trainer. In 2004 he became a certified Master Coach in Behavioural Coaching and continues to coach both individuals and teams at all levels within the companies with which he works.
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