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Save the date
Save the dateFebruary 9, 202312:30 - 15:00 GMT+11
Contact Person: Ahi Team
Event Details
Event Details

Case notes are an integral and important part of practice. Research shows that record- keeping practices have an impact on client outcomes because poor case notes can result in poor decision-making and adverse client outcomes (Preston-Shoot 2003, Cumming et al. 2007).

Designed for those who have an obligation to keep case notes and records for social housing clients, this workshop will provide participants with information about their legal and professional obligations regarding case notes and records, including how to write them in a professional and efficient way.

Time zone 

Ahi events are scheduled in the time zone in which they are held or hosted and may vary dependent on your location. Use our add to calendar option to check if a time difference applies to your location.

Course outline
Course outline

This online workshop takes a blended learning approach.

  • 1 x 2.5-hour online workshop session via Zoom
  • Access to online self-study learning content and downloadable resources
  • Option to participate in an individual telephone/video coaching session to further personalise the learning and build confidence

What you'll learn: 

  • Why it is necessary to keep case notes and records (this section includes a discussion of professional and legal obligations)
  • Different types of records
  • Common mistakes when keeping case notes and records and how to avoid them
  • How to write notes as efficiently as possible
  • Writing in a way that is easy to defend and hard to attack
  • A suggested structure for keeping case notes and records
  • How to write case notes and records in a way that is respectful of the client and allows the worker to discharge his or her professional responsibilities
  • Detailed guidelines on writing client requested letters (letters of support)
Workshop Facilitator
Workshop Facilitator

Elaine has over 15 years' experience in operational and leadership roles in the housing industry in Australia, both in the private and social housing sectors.


Delivering interactive workshops with a wealth of experience and understanding of industry practices and a passion to build peoples skills.


She holds a post graduate degree in Social Science, Housing Management and Policy from Swinburne University with extensive experience in housing management and program development in community housing.




Affiliate Member


General Member

Member Price A$176

Professional Member

Member Price A$165

Senior Professional

Member Price A$154

Where applicable, GST will be applied

These ticket prices reflect a small increase effective from 1st January 2023.