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Save the dateSeptember 28, 202209:30 - 12:30 GMT+10
Contact Person: Ahi Team
Event Details
Event Details

Here at the ahi: we know how important first impressions are in our sector in developing and inspiring new professionals into the important work that we do in the Social and Affordable Housing sector.

This 3-hour workshop will bring in panels of industry experts so that professionals attending are being guided on the roles they can play, the landscape they will be in and how they can navigate through the housing sector and help make a difference.

This workshop is designed to interact, engage and inspire all workshop participants in the topic of Social and Affordable Housing induction.

ahi:'s Social and Affordable Housing Industry Induction reflects the role of workers who are engaged in delivering social housing services and support to tenants, residents, applicants and the community, including clients who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness.

Once registered you'll receive a pre-workshop questionnaire with Zoom joining details and passcode sent one day prior to the workshop. Once you've completed the workshop, you'll receive a digital copy of the slides and other useful background information.

We value feedback! Post workshop a survey will be sent to you to fill out. This is your opportunity to ask further questions, or provide feedback about this workshop.

What you'll gain from this workshop:

  • Housing provision and housing organisations across Australia and New Zealand including industry organisations and their roles: public housing agencies, community housing providers, private developers, planners, peak bodies and service providers
  • The importance of Customer Service for Housing
  • Guidance on where to gain further sector knowledge and resources
  • The importance of values based reflections and ongoing professional development working in this sector

Who should attend this workshop?

  • Recently recruited public/community housing staff, managers and directors
  • Existing public/community housing staff, managers and directors who need a refresher, or want to gain broader industry perspectives
  • Private sector affordable housing developers
  • National, state government and local government staff involved in promoting delivery of social and affordable housing
  • Housing academics and researchers, peak and industry body staff, affordable housing financiers, housing consultants and other service providers

This online workshop is relevant for anyone working or interested in working in the Australian or Aotearoa New Zealand housing sector. No prior housing knowledge is needed. 

Time zone

Our online events are scheduled in the time zone in which they are held or hosted, and may vary depending on your location. Use our add to calendar option to check if a time difference applies and to adjust to your location.

Course outline
Course outline

The housing system

  • Challenges faced by the Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand housing systems
  • Housing tenure, including moves between different tenures
  • Understanding differences between housing affordability and affordable housing

Social housing organisations

  • Roles of public, not-for-profit and private organisations in owning and managing social housing.
  • Proportions of social housing to total housing in and around Australasia, with international comparisons
  • Locations, age and typical building type of social housing - and an analysis of who lives in social housing
  • Social housing challenges including lack of supply, the need to ration access to housing, geographical concentration and poor property condition. 
  • Core activities (tenancy management and asset management) and newer activities (property development, community development, tenant empowerment) of social housing organisations.

Delivering new social and affordable housing

  • Government grants and new housing delivery programs
  • Use of the planning system
  • Cross-subsidy from the sale of new homes to deliver additional affordable rental housing
  • Raising bank finance

The social and affordable housing industry

  • Peak bodies, industry associations and professional organisations
  • Organisations supporting the sector: banks, consultants and service providers
  • Typical career pathways, including moves within the industry and related sectors
  • Sources of news and research
Workshop Facilitator
Workshop Facilitator
  • Kellie Dunn (Australasian Manager Learning & Development at ahi:)

    Kellie Dunn

    Australasian Manager Learning & Development at ahi:

  • Christina Hough (Head, Community Housing Operations at Women's Housing Company)

    Christina Hough

    Head, Community Housing Operations at Women's Housing Company

  • Nicholas Loder (NSW Branch Committee Chair at NSW Land and Housing Corporation)

    Nicholas Loder

    NSW Branch Committee Chair at NSW Land and Housing Corporation

  • Robert Macbeth (Kaiārahi Kāinga at Tauhara North Kainga Ltd)

    Robert Macbeth

    Kaiārahi Kāinga at Tauhara North Kainga Ltd


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