Brisbane Housing Company Limited
Level 17, 333 Ann St
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
The AHI's Australasian Bright Future Awards will be presented in an online ceremony on June 8, with the winners from each jurisdiction (including the Queensland winners) in line to receive an Australasian award.
The Queensland Branch of the AHI would like to invite anyone who is able to come together, watch the award presentation on the big screen, cheer for the Queensland winners and stay for nibbles and networking afterwards. The event is kindly hosted by Brisbane Housing Company.
We're excited to have the opportunity to meet face to face and look forward to seeing as many Queensland members as are able to make it.
Physical Distancing at this event:
While the Queensland Government regulations permit this gathering, event attendees are reminded to follow good hygiene habits and physical distancing, including keeping 1.5 metres away from others, not making unnecessary physical contact with others, avoiding physical greetings, such as handshakes, hugs and kisses. For more information, see Australian Government advice for physical distancing.