Creative Cubes
Level 5, 111 Cecil Street
South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
The ahi: invites you to attend our 2024 Annual General Meeting, which is being held at Creative Cubes in the 'Mic Drop' room on Cecil Street South Melbourne. This is an opportunity for ahi: Members to participate in discussions around the strategic direction of the organisation.
We welcome all ahi: members, friends and colleagues to join this year's AGM, either face to face in South Melbourne or via a live Zoom stream. The ahi: has focused on delivering for our members and the sector as a whole in the FY24 year with eyes forward to a brighter and strategic 2024-25 year.
We will be providing the agenda, meeting minutes from the 2023 AGM and the signed audited financial report in the coming days via an email campaign. Please check your spam folder if you don't receive the audited financial report by Friday 27th of September.
This years AGM will also create a special space for collective celebration as we journey through our Mentoring Program, highlighting and celebrating the incredible mentors and their mentees who have committed and dedicated such incredible focus towards building their greatness in their chosen professional roles.
After the AGM, the ahi: is hosting a Symposium focused on exploring the ever increasing service delivery, capacity and capability in the sector, with speakers and panel members who are leaders in the sector. This is a separate ticketed event and registration is required to attend.
We hope to see you either online or in person if you are joining us in Melbourne.
The ahi: Board & Team.
To participate in this event, either face-to-face or online, please register using the button below.